PCR Test Disclaimer

We will try our very best to have results and certificates emailed to you before your flight. However, occasionally problems outwith our control (in the laboratory, or with couriers) mean results are delayed. Therefore, unfortunately, we cannot offer a guarantee that results are back by a specific time.

We cannot offer refunds if your travel plans change. However, we are able to reschedule your PCR test up to one month from the original travel date.

On a very rare occasion, a person’s swab may come back with a result as INVALID. This can happen if there is not enough moisture in the throat or nasal cavities and therefore not enough viral DNA is collected to enable a successful test. Please be aware that if this happens, there may not be enough time to carry out a second swab and we cannot take responsibility for any changes to your travel plans.

What are the Clinic opening times?

At present, the clinic is open Wednesday evenings between 9am and 5pm Mon to Fri, and Saturday morning between 9am and 1pm.

Do I need a referral from my GP?

No, you don’t need a referral. You can make an appointment by calling the clinic, sending us an email or booking online.

What should I do if I have any questions or concerns after treatment?

You should contact the clinic directly on‭‭ 07521 813800‬‬.

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