Dr Naushad Ali

Dr Naushad Ali
Dr Naushad Ali

General Practitioner

MBChB MRCGP DRCOG Med Sci Sports Med

I have worked as an NHS GP in the heart of Glasgow’s Southside for the last 15 years, and am the founder of Glasgow Private Clinic.

As well as a specialist interest in Sports Medicine, I have a passion for the growing field of Preventative Medicine. This specialty focuses on early detection of disease, and the steps that can be taken to maintain wellbeing.

Dr Naushad Ali
General Practitioner treatments:
  • Private GP Service
  • Health MOT
  • Medical forms
  • Insurance Work
  • Vaccinations
  • Hayfever injections
  • Vitamin B12 injections
  • Onward referral to specialist where indicated
  • Routine GP appointment (20 minutes) £110.00
  • Telephone GP appointment (10 minutes) £65.00
  • Home visits available on request - prices start at £200
  • Bloods available on request
  • Vitamin B12 injection £44.00
  • Hayfever injection £95.00
  • Private medicals starting from £195
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